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2022 -2024

In the fight against child mortality 

In Madagascar, Inter Aide has been implementing a community health project for several years, the model of which focuses on three main diseases (malaria, diarrhea and acute respiratory infections). 


The French NGO Inter Aide has been active in many countries (mainly in Africa) since it was founded in 1980. The project "Improving the health situation in rural areas" in the districts of Farafangana, Vohipeno and Manakara in south-eastern Madagascar has been running since 2022 and is expected to run until 2024. Inter Aide has been supporting the recruitment of village health workers (ASV) for many years, who provide children with access to basic healthcare.



The declared aim of Inter Aide and this project is to achieve a lasting and sustainable reduction in child mortality.


The prevailing tropical climate involves brutal changes from dry periods to flooding. This jeopardizes food security and fosters the development of endemic diseases, which the project focuses on.  To this end, families are sensitized to the topic and trained by facilitators.


A network of health workers at village level improves access to disease treatment. This results in shorter distances, as the few health centers are often far away. The third component of the approach is to ensure that the mechanisms can run sustainably, especially the supply of basic medicines.



  • 1315 village health workers reach a population of 900,000 people in the extended areas of operation in the districts of Vondrozo and Vangaindrano.
  • The number of pediatric consultations rises by 27 % to 206,000.
  • 288 animations for 4,500 people on the topic of child mortality and 340 animations with a total of 13,400 participants to raise awareness and autonomize the population.
  • In 2023, 62 healthcare assistants and 473 support staff will be added.



Decent living and health conditions

To the question "Why is aid needed in Madagascar?", Alexis from Inter Aide provides this answer:

"Madagascar's needs in terms of healthcare are enormous. The indicators for access to healthcare and mortality are among the worst in the world. At this stage, the government does not have the financial, human or technical capacity to provide decent living and health conditions for its population. However, the country does have opportunities for sustainable development, including relative political stability and a definite gradual improvement in its health services. In this context, targeted and pragmatic support from an NGO, focused on building the capacity of healthcare staff in real-life conditions (at village, health center and district level), has a major impact on children's health. By working with local public players, and avoiding financial compensation as much as possible, a sustainable improvement can be expected."

Copyright Images©Inter Aide


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